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The day to day

“You Poor Thing”

When I was in New York back in May, I found myself awkwardly standing in the hotel’s lobby while digging through my purse in a poor attempt to find the room key needed to get into the restroom. I was approached by a woman who asked to get in. She explained she was not a guest, but speaking at an event in the hotel. She was polite enough. Sure, lady. I will gladly let you in, let me just find my key.  As I was making my way through the depths of my bag, (I’m well aware, I am in desperate need of purse organization. I’m telling you, it’s not going to happen due to the exorbitant amount of prosthetic socks living there). My search...

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The day to day


I was the overachieving teenager itching to drive the day I turned 15½. I dragged my mom to the BMV to get my temporary permit as soon as I could. Nothing will ever match the morning I got to drive myself to school for the first time. As my gateway to independence, driving quickly became a need for me. Not only could I drive myself to school and work, but being behind the wheel was borderline therapeutic.  Fast forward to being 22 in a hospital bed, facing a right leg amputation. One of my very first concerns was how the amputation would affect my ability to drive. This is a question you may be asking yourself as well:   Can I Drive as an Amputee? For many patients,...

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